AdvisorTweets Listed For Sale Today

This is going to be my shortest blog post ever (don’t get used to it, please). It’s official: has been listed for sale on Here's the link:

I chose Flippa because it’s the site that handles the most Website transactions—and that includes the high and the low quality sites. AdvisorTweets is being listed as a private sale, meaning that bidders and bids will not be disclosed. There will be no sequential bidding such as you see on the public sale auctions, and no one but the buyer and seller will know what the site sold for.

In a private sale, bidders are asked to simply submit their best offer. The seller has 72 hours to react. Acceptance of an offer ends the sale. Alternatively, in the absence of an accepted offer, the sale ends when the sale time expires, which will be one week from today. In essence, I'm using the Flippa infrastructure to surface interest and process bids in lieu of having to develop my own ad hoc process.

I’ll let you know how it all goes...